Life Without Fear

Man's drive for more is God's reminder that we are incomplete without him.
We are only complete when we know our Creator.
Only then can we be the men He created us to be.

Reimagine Your Future

Through faith in a power greater than yourself, your future can amaze you. That power is Jesus Christ.
Humbling himself, Jesus came to earth to live as a man.
He knows how you feel. Yet he never sinned.
Unfortunately when we sin, it separates us from knowing him.
The good news is Jesus died on the cross for our sins and rose again to life - eliminating our separation from him.
Jesus makes us complete.
If you're ready to accept Jesus as your Savior
And be the man that God created you.
Pray these words out loud:

“Lord Jesus, I believe you are the Son of God.
Thank you for dying on the cross for me. And coming to life again.
I need you.
Please forgive my sins. I accept your grace.
Right now, I ask you to be the Lord, the Boss and the Savior of my life.
Please make me the man you created me to be. I want more. I want you.
I will serve you and stand with you for the rest of my life. Amen.

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If you have questions about knowing your Creator, becoming the man you’re created to be or discovering purpose, just click below to connect. We're here for you right now. It's free.