stand up dude mission

"Be The Man You're Created To Be."

StandUpDude's mission is to introduce young men to Jesus, then disciple them to be like Jesus. 

In today's culture it is bold and potentially offensive to call men to be men. But considering the emasculating lies many young men are being led to believe as “truth" about manhood, we are willing to take that risk.

StandUpDude is not “calling men out.” Instead, we are "calling men forward.”

StandUpDude is a movement of calling men forward that are willing, with God’s help, to do the work to discover, uncover or rediscover the men they are created to be."

        “Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong. Let all that you do be done in love.” [1 Cor. 16:13-14 esv]


"This is good stuff guys...keep it up!"

"I'd like to learn more from this group"

"Love it! Definitely want to keep up with y’all and see where it goes. If you ever have any projects or things like that let me know!"

"Your message reaches people ignore the detractors"

"I feel like God put it on my heart to reach out. I love what you guys are on a mission to accomplish. Had I had such a resource 2 years ago when I accepted Christ as Savior, I feel mine would have been a much smoother journey coming out of addiction. I have no idea how but I'd love to be a part of what you're doing in some way."

"I always been a stand up guy now I'm a stand up dude for God and Lord Jesus H Christ."