
And thanks for coming over from the Podcast. Let’s GO! Great job on making the best decision of your life! Now, let's get you some gear.

Below is a list of hand-picked tools I’ve personally used and field tested. Use them. They work. Keep standing!

Standing with you,
Tim Bisagno

Stand Up Dude Director
“Without consultation and wise advice, plans are frustrated, But with many counselors they are established and succeed.” [Proverbs 15:22 Amp.]
Stand Up Dude Logo
At a time when passivity is promoted over purpose, the StandUpDude Podcast calls men forward to be who they are created to be.

“Today, young men know they’re made for more. We’re just here to remind men who they are." - Hosts Tim and Stewart.

Tune in and start standing today.
Click Here To Listen →
A men’s discipleship program to transform your life and the lives around you.
BraveCo Website  →
Most importantly - read God's word, often.

All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work. 2 Timothy 3:16
Download Free Bible App →
Wild At Heart
This "Wild at Heart" 6 part video series is must watch. John Eldredge is the original trail-blazing thought provoker that set the pace for connecting a man's masculine heart to his Creator.

"The amount of risk that you are willing to live with is a direct reflection of what you believe about God.”

Pursuing Your Warrior Heart
Chapters: The Heart of a Man. The Poser. The Wound. The Battle. The Beauty. The Adventure.

Wild at Heart Website  →
Watch real life stories of authenticity, brokenness and redemption that serve as a catalyst for being real with one another about our own stories.
Core Unites Website →
DISCIPLINE RESTORE(D) is a 30-day men’s devotional designed to reignite spiritual disciplines in your life. This devo will help establish the foundational blocks of your faith journey.
Brian Tome
We think a lot of Brian Tome. Yeah, pretty much our favorite, and a great hang too.
The Five Marks Of A Man by: Brian Tome
“Men have a vision. Men are team players. Men take a minority position. Men work. Men are protectors.”

What differentiates a man from a boy is how he lives. These five biblical markers of manhood should inspire men to grow into who God created them to be.
Five Marks of a Man Book
Buy the book at Amazon →
Five Marks of a Man Podcast
Listen to the Podcast →
The Aggressive Life Podcast with Brian Tome
Listen to the Podcast →
Find a good Christian, Bible-believing CHURCH. The fellowship of like-minded believers is going to be important to your new walk with God. Your new walk was never supposed to be done alone, so get connected to a body of local Believers as soon as possible.
Find A Church Website →

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